We are honoured to share a letter from the Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Bell, Bishop of Niagara, thanking the people of St. Luke’s and all our volunteers for continuing to run the Nourishing Neighbours program, providing fresh food and necessities to people in need during the COVID-19 crisis. Bishop Bell has extended a further grant of $750 from the Diocese of Niagara Pandemic Response Fund to further our efforts.
![Bishop Bell's Episcopal Arms](https://stlukepalermo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Epsicopal-Arms-Bishop-Bell.jpg)
If you or anyone you know has supported Nourishing Neighbours in any way during this time, please know that this letter is especially directed to you. You have been, in the Bishop’s words, “the hands and feet of Christ” through this ministry, and we are extremely grateful for your work. Let’s continue growing in these ministries. Glory to God!