Worship Services
Sunday Morning Eucharist
10:00 am – in English and Mandarin (in person and online)
Sunday School available for ages 2 -13
Morning Prayer & Bible Study
Wednesdays at 9:30 am – in English
Offered September through June in person or online
Fridays at 10 am – in Mandarin
Community Centre Hours
Monday to Friday: 11 am – 7 pm / Saturday: 9 am -3 pm
For more information and for the Zoom link to our services, please email: community@stlukepalermo.ca, or call 905-825-3364 ext. 82
St. Luke’s Annual Vestry Meeting
Sunday, February 9 at 11:30 am
Vestry is an important time when we vote on our budget and decide our priorities for the coming year. If you are a parishioner, please plan to attend!
Vestry reports are due from committees by January 17.
Vestry is an important time when we vote on our budget and decide our priorities for the coming year. If you are a parishioner, please plan to attend!
Vestry reports are due from committees by January 17.