Since Bishop Susan Bell of the Diocese of Niagara, and the Ontario House of Bishops, announced that Anglican Churches would observe a “Summer Sabbath Rest” before returning to in-person worship services in fall, St. Luke’s Anglican Church has been finding creative ways to bring our congregation together. That is why, in addition to our online Sunday Worship livestream worship services, our ministry team has launched weekly Evening Prayer services. These services are recorded in St. Luke’s sanctuary by the Rev. Jody Balint and Music Director Janet Correia and posted to YouTube. They have been very well received by our community and are a wonderful way to end the day in prayer and meditation to God.
During July and August, Rev. Jody and Janet have begun to alternate between full-length evening prayer services and shorter compline services. Our latest service was posted on Saturday and can be viewed here, along with all of our other recorded worship services:
You can also view our full YouTube channel here. Feel free to subscribe to stay up to date on all our videos. Plus, be sure to visit our online worship services page for updates. We are very thankful for the great response that these new online ministries have received. We look forward to seeing you online soon, and hopefully in person in just a little while!
Need a prayer or want to pray for someone in these challenging times? Our ministers are here for you. Just contact our Co-Rectors, The Rev. Garfield Wu or The Rev. Jody Balint, and they will be happy to pray with you.
The Rev. Garfield Wu Email: Cell Phone: 647-878-8650 | The Rev. Jody Balint Email: Cell Phone: 905-483-0860 |