Dear Friends at St. Luke’s,

This weekend, we received bittersweet news. The Rev. Jody Balint, who joined us as St. Luke’s Pastoral Associate last fall, has accepted a position as the full-time Rector of St. James and St. Brendan’s Parish, Port Colborne. Jody will be leaving St. Luke’s as of October 31.
We are very happy for Rev. Jody’s new appointment, but also sorry to see her leave our parish. Although she has been with us for just over a year, her compassionate leadership and ministry have been a wonderful blessing to all of us. We wish her every blessing in her new ministry and thank God for all her work!
Please read the full letter from Bishop Susan Bell, below. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at
Once again, thank you Jody for being with us this past year. God bless you!