Holy Eucharist with Choir 

   SUNDAYS: 10:00 AM 

Morning Prayer and Bible Study


(September thru June)

“Sacraments of the Anglican Church”

Holy Eucharist is celebrated at St. Luke’s every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. As an expression of God’s hospitality, all those seeking a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ are invited to the Lord ’s Table to receive the blessed sacrament of Holy Communion. Either standing or kneeling at the communion rail, eat the wafer after it is placed in your hands, then take a sip of wine or touch the base of the chalice. For health reasons, please do not dip (intinct) the wafer into the wine and also let the priest know, if you require a gluten-free wafer. Those who would rather receive a blessing may come to the altar and indicate their desire by crossing their arms.

“Through the Holy Eucharist the faithful eat and drink the life of Christ.”

– St. Augustin

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism marks an individual’s formal entry into the Christian family and the life of the Church. People of all ages may be baptized. Infants are baptised on the strength of their parents’ and godparents’ commitment to raise them in the faith and life of the Church. Your child is precious to you and precious to God. At Baptism you make a decision to start your child on a journey of faith. The church and the godparents support the family and the child in this decision.

Baptisms at St. Luke’s Church are celebrated as part of the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service occasionally throughout the year, but especially at Easter, Pentecost, and All Saints. Candidates for baptism, or their sponsors, are invited to meet with the Rector to learn about and reflect on the meaning of the promises to be made. Our expectation is that candidates will continue in their involvement with the parish after they have become members of the church through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. There is normally no financial cost involved, unless a special private ceremony is requested. We welcome all inquiries about Holy Baptism.

Confirmation (the Laying on of Hands by the bishop) is available for those seeking to confess and affirm the faith of their baptism. “Those baptized in the Church are sealed by the Seal of the Lord after the example of the baptized Samaritans who were received by the Apostles Peter and John through the laying-on-of-hands and prayer.” – St. Cyprian

The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is celebrated according to the rites in either The Book of Alternative Services or The Book of Common Prayer, to bind two duly qualified persons together in holy marriage. The Christian sacrament of Holy Matrimony is celebrated with sacred promises, the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings, always in the context of a public service of worship.

Couples, including those who are not regular members of the church, are asked to attend a series of preparatory meetings to learn about and reflect on the meaning of the vows to be taken There is a financial cost incurred when receiving the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Our 2018 Fee Schedule is: Clergy: $400, Church: $400, Organist: $150, Caretaker: $75, Altar Guild: $50.

Flowers:To be arranged in consultation with the church and paid for by those being married.    

Note: Synthetic rose petals may be scattered but not real ones as they stain the carpets.

Bulletin/Order of Service:

Printing the Bulletin/Order of Service which leads guests through the Liturgy is the responsibility of the wedding couple although the Priest will guide you through the necessary contents.

Offsites: Weddings can be performed offsite. Fees for this can be discussed with the Priest.

A funeral marks the close of a human life on earth. It is the opportunity for friends and family to express their grief, to give thanks for the life which has now completed its journey in this world. We welcome the privilege of helping anyone in grief through funeral services and referrals to grief counselling.

It is preferred that funerals be celebrated in the church, ideally within the context of a celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
In the funeral liturgy, the soul of the departed is commended to God’s gracious keeping. Prayers and scripture readings assist the departed loved ones and friends in understanding the Christian hope for everlasting life in the Risen Christ. There is a financial cost incurred for Funerals and this is usually administered through the Funeral Director.
May the souls of the Faithful Departed rest in peace and rise in glory!

Ordination (the laying on of Hands by the bishop for deacons, and by the bishop and priests for priests) is the means by which suitably called and trained persons are made deacons, and later priests of the Church. (Vocational Deacons remain deacons.) Bishops are ordained by at least three duly consecrated bishops. If you believe that you feel God is calling you to ordained ministry please speak with the Rector.
“The priesthood is performed on earth but it possesses heavenly things.”– St. John Chrysostom

Reconciliation (confession of sins to a priest and absolution) is available to those who bear particular burdens and desire God’s forgiveness. Please speak with the Rector if you wish to make your private confession.

“Enter into the Church and wash away your sins. For there is a hospital for sinners and not a court of law.” – St. John Chrysostom


We are pleased to provide pastoral care for anyone desiring it. Our Rector and Compassion & Care Team visit the sick, the elderly, and offer regular worship at home or local retirement homes as well as area hospices and hospitals. We are available to support people facing any of life’s challenges.

For parishioners in hospital: if you are in hospital, remember that you will be witnessing to your faith by your cheerfulness, courtesy, courage, and the very act of saying your prayers. Strive to express your gratitude to those who are caring for you. Make a point of informing the hospital chaplain and the Rector that you are in hospital, so that you can be prayed for and visited.

If you (or a family member) are grievously ill, ask that a priest visit you to pray with you, pronounce absolution and anoint you with holy oil. The priest is a personification of the community of the Church, by whose prayers you will be surrounded, and if it be, borne to God.

With permission, we regularly name persons in need of healing in the weekly Prayers of the People. If you have a prayer intention, please contact the Rector.


The ministry of Jesus occurs in many different homes. Therefore to hallow the home as an environment for nurture and renewal is a deeply felt need by many Christian households. The blessing of a home encourages Christians to dedicate their life at home to God and to others.

Some people think it superstitious to believe that God would bless objects and places; but if we remember that he is setting them aside for a special, holy purpose, the concept is not one of magic but of holy mystery. God wants to bless his people. Often he does so directly. And sometimes He blesses objects and places as well and uses them as a means of blessing us. Home blessings are for all homes whether simple or spacious.Whether you live in a house, apartment or student residence – a home blessing is for that place.

If you would like your new place of residence blessed by the Rector of St. Luke’s Church please call the Church Office at 905-825-3364 ext. 80